Professional History
1974-1979 - Organic landscape maintenance in Marin County, CA
1975-1989 - Landscape construction
1975-present - Environmental, ornamental and edible landscape design and consultation
1977-present - Installer, educator, consultant and writer on graywater systems and drip irrigation systems
1976-present - Construction, education, writing and lecturing about edible landscaping
1979-1982 - Director of Edible Landscape Program, Farallones Institute Rural Center, Occidental, CA
1986-present - Environmental communications, (TerraInforma Communications), freelance writing
1986-present - Stock photography business; photos published in numerous gardening and horticulture magazines and used in slideshow presentations
1989-1995 West Coast Contributing editor to Garbage magazine
1990 - Member of the Santa Barbara (CA) County Graywater Task Force; assisted in drafting the first legal graywater ordinance in America
1992-1994 - Wrote the Graywater Ordinance for the City of Malibu, CA
1982 - present - Publisher, author, freelance writer and landscape designer